Team 26 removes 26 anti-tank mines from Al-Hillah village in Yemen’s Hays

Project Masam’s Team 26 has announced the dismantling of an anti-tank minefield in the village of Hillah in the district of Hays, south of Yemen’s al-Hudeidah governorate.
Engineer Sami Said said that his team removed 26 anti-tank landmines from the village of al-Hillah after receiving a report from a Yemeni civilian stating that there was a mine in a grazing area on the outskirts of the village.
Said, the leader of Team 26, confirmed that his team immediately responded to the report and deployed to the area where an initial survey was conducted.
The survey led to the discovery of an anti-tank minefield.
The team then removed 26 mines and is still working to survey and secure the area surrounding the village, which includes a large number of houses, farms, and grazing areas.

