Younes Ismail’s story

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Younes Esmail lives in southwestern Yemen. The teenager hasn’t let a terrible landmine accident get in the way of his education.

“The explosion led to the amputation of my lower limbs, and my left hand; it completely damaged my left eye, and caused the death of my uncle, who was sitting next to me,” Younes told Project Masam outside his home in Taiz City.

Younes’ life was turned upside down.

“I was studying in our village since I was a small child, and I used to go to school daily and come back on my own until I had to move to the city and left school.”

But Younes is focused on doing well to succeed.

“My injury did not affect me much, although it took a lot of my body. Despite the challenges, I overcame them.”

In his home, the teenager proudly shows us his computer set up, and his books. He may not be going to school anymore but he is determined to continue to learn.

“My message for Project Masam is that I would urge them to continue clearing landmines, because this makes people’s lives much easier and helps the community move forward”.

