Saeed Hassan’s story

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Like many children and teenagers in Yemen, Saeed Hassan was the main shepherd for grazing animals in his family – one of the riskiest activities for civilians living in contaminated areas where the risk is unknown.

He recalls is story: Four friends herding their sheep. An explosion. Death and trauma. Pain and a life changed forever.

When Project Masam met Saeed in his village, the teenager confided he was finding it hard to work due to the pain in his body cause by the shrapnel injuries. Saeed struggled to help provide for his family’s survival needs and worried about his and their future.

To avoid tragedies like that faced by Saeed, and his late friends, Project Masam clears mines and other deadly explosive items from liberated land. Mine clearance brings villagers safer access to grazing areas; essential land for villagers and for economic development throughout Yemen.

Since it first entered Yemen in mid-2018, Project Masam has located and destroyed 257,976 explosive devices including 3,876 anti-personnel mines, 81,316 anti-tank mines, 6,042 IEDs and 166,742 unexploded ordnance in Yemeni liberated areas.

